Rock for the Future
Thirteen on TH, Walrus, Derailed, MegaBand, Nightime Banshees, Mad Hatter
Jun 17, 2006 |
The first rock show in a new bulding,
this was dedicated to raising funds to cover some of the start-up lighting costs. As usual, it featured
five local high school bands.
Lighting-wise, the facility isn't completely ready, and I could get only 12 circuits for lighting. On
the ceiling, there's only 3 bars of the eventual 5x5 lighting grid, and this forced the use of trees for
backlighting. We also don't have all the needed instruments, so we ended up w/mostly pars. The design
used R55 in WFL pars for the front wash (in two areas). A side wash of R15 in MFLs from the ceiling
was used for accent. Drums got a set of 3 NSPs in R23 (two from the trees, one from overhead), plus a
pair of WLFs on the front edge of the stage floor (at the corners) in R2008. The cyc got a pair of WFLs
in R74 from the ceiling out in front, and a lower wash of R27 from a pair of antique 5" fresnels from
the bottom of the trees. WFLs in R367 on the ceiling provided basic backlight, then two other pairs
of pars on the trees in R49 and R370 provided some color from the back.
Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera at the show; all photos are by Todd Rodgers.
Click on the photos for larger images.