This was a large show - 5 bands - and was in the lobby space, using the usual lobby light plot from
other shows, but with our little Altman 3.5Q lekos added as a side cross-light, which worked nicely
to light faces w/some texture and leave the colors on the rest of the stage vivid. The photos below
are mine, and aren't that great. We had some really nice lighting effects, but I wasn't able to
capture them this time (too busy during the show). Backlight was R23 from above, and R46 and R79
on the rear trees. Cyc was R74 and R27, and footlights were R95. We also had a toplight wash of L181,
again. The lekos from the side were R61, and frontlight (used very little this time) was the old
standby R55. These colors worked really well together, and I especially liked the combinations of
the R95, R79, R74 and various reds. It got washed sometimes, but other times the angles let the
colors really pop. My only wish on this show is that the little 3.5Qs had more punch; maybe we'll be
able to afford some Source4s one of these days.