Metrovox, Los Vicios de Papa, Aggressor, Viscosity, Stoop, and The Shaman.
Mar 10, 2007
The 6th rock show in our new bulding,
with proceeds again going to help children in the Kibera slum area in Nairobi, Kenya. As usual, the
show featured local high school bands.
This was another large show - 6 bands - and the larger lobby space was used. As usual, we used a
pair of trees for backlight, in R27, R23 and R76, while (new this time!) top/backlight was R22. The
cyc had R74 on top, G985 on the bottom. Footlights were a new color for us - R90 (which worked well).
Side cross was R370, which was kinda weak. As before, we also had a set of WFLs pars with L181 for
top light - four this time.